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Student & Athlete Defense

Attorney Faigel defends and advises students facing Title IX and other campus misconduct allegations, including sexual assault, sexual harassment and intimate partner violence. Attorney Faigel's goal is to protect the academic transcript, career and reputation of his client. Attorney Faigel has decades of experience representing students and protecting their rights in disciplinary proceedings and criminal cases related to the disciplinary actions.

Oftentimes a parent receives a phone call from their child or a letter from his/her school stating that there has been a violation of the school's disciplinary code. What this means is that the child is being charged with an offense and you must take action to protect the student's rights. The school's priority is not to protect the student, it is to protect the institution. The reality is that the fate of your child is in the hands of paid employees of the school along with a panel of the student's peers. They are untrained, unqualified and not impartial. It is vitally important that you hire a lawyer that has experience representing students and student athletes when faced with an allegation of campus misconduct.

The fact that the student has not been arrested is immaterial. There are many offences that a student is not arrested for that may lead to expulsion. Today's zero tolerance society has instituted a vastly different climate on campus. Every case is different, as is every violation of the school's code of conduct. Each school handles discipline in different ways. Attorney Faigel has, in the past, represented students facing allegations of campus misconduct at some of the most prestigious colleges and universities in Massachusetts.

School disciplinary proceedings are separate and apart from other types of criminal or civil proceedings. Each and every school has its own set of rules that sets forth exactly how the school investigates, prosecutes and determines the scope and type of punishment it levy's on the student for a vast array of offenses.

Andover student and athlete defense lawyer Neil F. Faigel will play a pivotal role preparing your child's defense and teaching him/her to advocate for them self. Attorney Faigel will investigate the facts and circumstance surrounding the allegation, interview witnesses and plan a defense strategy that makes sense.

In a recent case that Andover student and athlete defense Attorney Neil F. Faigel handled in Boston a scholarship athlete at a well-regarded university was alleged to have raped a coed on campus. Upon first review, the facts seemed clear and the student athlete was considered to be guilty of the misconduct. The accuser was believed and the scholarship athlete was prepared to leave the school under less than ideal circumstances. However, Attorney Faigel dug deep into the facts and reviewed extensively the various witness statements. He was able to develop evidence and locate a witness that directly contradicted the accuser. This evidence was then presented to the school in a cohesive fashion. As a result, the scholarship athlete was able to remain in school and maintain his scholarship.

School discipline matters are serious and must be handled with the utmost care by a skilled, experienced attorney. With his over 30 years of experience, Andover student and athlete defense attorney Neil F. Faigel knows what it takes to defend a student in a school disciplinary proceeding. Attorney Faigel's priority is to ensure that his client is protected throughout the process as well as informing the student's parents every step of the way.

If your child is facing a school disciplinary proceeding it is important that you have a qualified, experienced lawyer handling the matter. Attorney Faigel welcomes you to call him for a free initial consultation to discuss the case. Attorney Faigel will provide you with the attention, care and aggressive defense you will need in order to navigate and prevail a school disciplinary process. Contact him today for a free initial consultation and let him get to work as quickly as possible.

Client Reviews
I received a letter informing me that I was under investigation for fraud. Attorney Faigel reviewed that facts of the case and implemented a plan of action. As a result, the case was dropped and the investigation ended. He was fair and to the point in all of our discussions. His quick work saved me a lot of time, distress and money. I hired the right attorney. RF
I hired Attorney Faigel after another lawyer told me that there was nothing else he could do on my case and I was going to lose my license for 30 days. Attorney Faigel would not take no for an answer. He was somehow able to get some of the charges dismissed and I was able to keep my license. Without it, I would not have been able to work and would have lost a great deal. I would highly recommend Attorney Faigel. WB
I was involved in a very serious offense that, if convicted of, would have sent me to jail for the rest of my life. Attorney Faigel, through his diligent investigation and contacts with law enforcement, was able to keep me from being charged with a crime. I would recommend him to anyone. He is expensive, but worth every penny. JL
I hired Attorney Faigel for a very serious case. Even though he was expensive, he was well worth every dollar. He kept me informed every step of the way and never promised me anything that he could not deliver on. He saved my husband and our family. HB